Our Products

Better Egg

Free Range

Cage Free

Free Range

These premium free-range eggs are laid by hens that range inside warm, dry barns as well as out yonder in the pastures.

We’ve always believed that eggs taste even better when you know where they’ve come from. We’re pretty passionate about the poultry business; being a fourth-generation family-owned egg production company will do that to you.

Happy hens that explore and forage outside during the day, returning to their barn by night to rest, these are the hens that will lay Better Eggs®.

Better Eggs Size 7 — 6 Pack

These guys take the cake for baking.

Better Eggs Size 8 — 10 Pack

Hungry teenagers are dangerous. Feed them.

Better Eggs Mixed Grade — 12 Pack

The one in the family that is best for families.

Better Eggs Size 7 — 12 Pack

These guys take the cake for baking.


Henergy was the first egg production business in New Zealand to be given (what was then) the blue tick of SPCA approval. That was four years after Graeme Napier had diversified part of his Wairarapa sheep farm into a better kind of poultry farm; the battery style of farming was given the elbow and Graeme’s hens were given a safe, warm, comfortable environment that was recognised again in 2011 by the international ‘Compassion in World Farming’ organisation for its commitment to cage-free farming. Unsurprisingly, the eggs are delicious.

Henergy Size 7 - 6 Pack

These are bigger eggs. Time for pavlova or a bacon-and-egg pie.

Henergy Size 8 - 10 Pack

Our biggest eggs for the biggest appetites.

Henergy Size 6 - 12 Pack

Poaching perfection.

Henergy Size 7 - 12 Pack

Time for pavlova or a bacon-and-egg pie.

Henergy Size 6 - 18 Pack

Poaching perfection.

Henergy Size 7 - 18 Pack

Time for pavlova or a bacon-and-egg pie.

Check out our free range egg cartons in store now
Check out our free range egg cartons in store now
Check out our free range egg cartons in store now
Check out our free range egg cartons in store now